Spiritual Growth Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old spiritual growth quotes, spiritual growth sayings, and spiritual growth proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

It is the darkness that makes the light visible, and not the other way around. Nancy Venable Raine
Accept your dark side, understanding it will help you to move with the light. Knowing both sides of our souls, helps us all to move forward in life and to understand that, perfection doesn't exist. Martin R. Lemieux
No one enjoys being cross-examined, or accused of having something wrong in their lives. But as we grow as Christians we come to the painful recognition that we have an almost unlimited capacity for self-deception. We slowly learn that we need to be stopped in our tracks by God. He uses Scripture to do this... We cannot reach our destination if we are travelling in the wrong direction. Sinclair B. Ferguson
With God, there's always an appointed time for things, and when you put Him first, trust in His timing, and keep the faith, miracles happen! Germany Kent
Spiritual maturity is measured in terms of persevering faith, not perfect behavior. Andy Stanley
Jesus calls us to his rest, and meekness is His method. The meek man cares not at all who is greater than he, for he has long ago decided that the esteem of the world is not worth the effort. A.W. Tozer
If a man does not exercise his arm he develops no biceps muscle; and if a man does not exercise his soul, he acquires no muscle in his soul, no strength of character, no vigor of moral fiber, nor beauty of Spiritual growth. Henry Drummond
Spiritual development is not an accomplishment but a way of life. It is an orientation that brings its own rewards, and what is important is the direction of one's motives. David R. Hawkins
The stiff and wooden quality about our religious lives is a result of our lack of holy desire. Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth. Acute desire must be present or there will be no manifestation of Christ to His people. A. W. Tozer
It is not the number of books you read, nor the variety of sermons you hear, nor the amount of religious conversation in which you mix, but it is the frequency and earnestness with which you meditate on these things till the truth in them becomes your own and part of your being, that ensures your growth. Frederick William Robertson
When you are spiritually connected, you are not looking for occasions to be offended, and you are not judging and labeling others. You are in a state of grace in which you know you are connected to God and thus free from the effects of anyone or anything external to yourself. Wayne Dyer
A misleading perception or false belief is increasingly being perpetuated that the unconscious or the intuitive is all that really matters in any spiritual endeavor, and that the conscious, rational, logical, analytical mind is the mortal enemy of spiritual awareness and soul growth. Anthon St. Maarten
When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well. Germany Kent
We stand before a burning bush whenever other human beings share with us something of their relationship with God or something of the movements of their hearts. In such moments may we always realize that we stand on holy ground. Margaret Silf
Spiritual growth depends on two things: first a willingness to live according to the Word of God; second, a willingness to take whatever consequences emerge as a result. Sinclair B. Ferguson
The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning. M. Scott Peck
Spiritual opening is not a withdrawal to some imagined realm or safe cave. It is not a pulling away, but a touching of all the experience of life with wisdom and with a heart of kindness, without any separation. Jack Kornfield
Too often we fail to appreciate that (the) apprehension of God is not only the test of our worship, but also the test of our spiritual growth. A Christian's real development in spiritual life will always be revealed by how he or she thinks about God - how much he thinks about Him, and how highly he thinks about Him. Sinclair B. Ferguson
The Bible is the divine means of developing spiritual maturity. There is no other way. Howard G. Hendricks
What makes one strong is not the ability to confront adversity and cruelty, but rather the ability to love in spite of it. Christopher Earle
We all have the same root, and are connected… To tap into this connectedness we must go within. Summerlyn Guthrie
The hardest thing to ever do is to reveal the naked soul to the world. However, in doing so brings healing, growth, strength, and powerful inspiration! H.E. Olsen
Give yourself permission to see and feel the extraordinary events in your own life. In internalizing them, you also will find your perspective about life and its meaning will change, resulting in growth and expansion of your soul. Susan Barbara Apollon
The gospel of Jesus Christ encompasses much more than avoiding, overcoming, and being cleansed from sin and the bad influences in our lives; it also essentially entails doing good, being good, and becoming better. Repenting of our sins and seeking forgiveness are spiritually necessary, and we must always do so. David A. Bednar
When I release my weaknesses and blind spots to God, He uses them to help me grow up spiritually. Crystal McDowell
For every spirit who is learning: you heal yourself. Thaiia Senquetta
The path is paved with consistent, conscious mental and spiritual alertness and the gradual growth of goodness in our heart and clarity in our mind. We are awake. If we keep trying to understand, we will understand. If we keep telling ourselves that we are loved by Life and if we keep looking for evidence of that love, we will find it. Donna Goddard
Adversity is not simply a tool. It is God's most effective tool for the advancement of our spiritual lives. The circumstances and events that we see as setbacks are oftentimes the very things that launch us into periods of intense spiritual growth. Once we begin to understand this, and accept it as a spiritual fact of life, adversity becomes easier to bear. Charles Stanley
God has such gladness every time he sees from heaven that a sinner is praying to Him with all his heart, as a mother has when she sees the first smile on her baby's face. Fyodor Dostoyevsky