Felicity Luckey Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Felicity Luckey quotes, Felicity Luckey sayings, and Felicity Luckey proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

It is never too late to set another hockey goal or to dream a new hockey dream. Felicity Luckey
Believe you can achieve your hockey goals and you're halfway there. Felicity Luckey
You only reach the hockey goals you aim at. Therefore, you might as well aim at reaching your ultimate hockey goals. Felicity Luckey
Hockey Goals Are Hockey Dreams With Deadlines. Felicity Luckey
Hockey Goals Are Attained Not By Strength But By Perseverance. Felicity Luckey
Lacrosse goals are attained not by strength but by perseverance. Felicity Luckey
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference between lacrosse success and lacrosse failure. Felicity Luckey
Lacrosse goals are lacrosse dreams with deadlines. Felicity Luckey
Discipline is the bridge between your bodybuilding goals and bodybuilding success. Felicity Luckey
Bodybuilders with goals succeed because they know where they're going. Felicity Luckey
Choosing a bodybuilding goal and sticking to it changes everything. Felicity Luckey
Have confidence in your running ability, and then be tough enough to follow through until you reach your running goals. Felicity Luckey
To get in the best running shape of your life, you have to do something you've never done. Felicity Luckey
On your path to running success, remember to enjoy the journey. Felicity Luckey
To attain your running goals, imagination is everything. It is a preview of the runner you will be in the future. Felicity Luckey
Your running dreams of yesterday are your running hopes of today and the reality of your tomorrow. Felicity Luckey
It is never too late to set another running goal or to dream a new running dream. Felicity Luckey
When you have running goals you have hope and when you have hope you have everything. Felicity Luckey
Act enthusiastic about running and you will be enthusiastic. Felicity Luckey
Belief in yourself and your cycling goals is the ignition switch that gets you off the sofa and onto your bike. Felicity Luckey
Your cycling goals should be out of reach but never out of sight. Felicity Luckey
Cycling is so difficult when you have to and so easy when you want to. Felicity Luckey
On your path to cycling success, remember to have fun and enjoy the ride. Felicity Luckey
If you put off starting a cycling routine until the time is right, you'll never reach your cycling goals. Felicity Luckey
Cycling goals are attained not by strength but by perseverance. Felicity Luckey
Cycling goals are cycling dreams with deadlines. Felicity Luckey
Choosing a cycling goal and sticking to it changes everything. Felicity Luckey
Baseball goals are attained not by strength but by perseverance. Felicity Luckey
Set your baseball goals high and don't stop till you get there. Felicity Luckey
Positive expectations are important for your baseball success because you tend to get what you expect. Felicity Luckey

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