Frederick Lenz Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Frederick Lenz quotes, Frederick Lenz sayings, and Frederick Lenz proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

Reincarnation is not something that occurs at death; it is something that takes place at every moment. Death and rebirth are occurring every second. Frederick Lenz
Reincarnation is a process in which a finite being will go through a series of transmutations and will perceive different things. There will be a continuity of perception. Frederick Lenz
The essence of all reincarnation is to have the best lifetime now that you've ever had, no matter what's going on. Frederick Lenz
Reincarnation is the dissolution of the self. It's like going swimming in the ocean, no one ever comes out, because one has become the ocean. Frederick Lenz
Reincarnation is a dance. It is a movement of life to the rhythm of the universe. Spirit and matter join together as one dancing partner. They dance and it goes on forever. Frederick Lenz
Reincarnation is not what a lot of people think. Yes, we are eternal. No, everyone does not attain enlightenment; it's not necessary; life is smarter than we are. Frederick Lenz
Reincarnation doesn't simply mean that at the end of this life you will move on to another life in another body, it means that the spirit of life is continually renewing itself and moving to a higher level. Frederick Lenz
Reincarnation is the journey of hope because in each lifetime we move forward to place a better than our last lifetime, a place within ourselves. Frederick Lenz
Reincarnation is a hopeful understanding of life. It is an accurate understanding of life. In each lifetime we grow, develop and evolve. Frederick Lenz
Mystical power, as you know, has a whole different flavor to it. It's much more raucous at times; it's much more poignant at times. It involves more of the emotional body. Frederick Lenz
Mystical powers develop primarily through the raising of the kundalini. The Kundalini is a type of energy that exists within all things. It's possible to pull that energy, to mass it, to transmit it. Frederick Lenz
You don't need to be able to absorb a tremendous amount of the mystical kundalini to realize God. Frederick Lenz
You must be kind to others. You must foster a caretaker personality of gentleness and perseverance, even in the midst of adversity. Frederick Lenz
Select companions who are striving for enlightenment. They all have their imperfections, certainly, but at least their attention is moving in the right direction. Frederick Lenz
Taoism shows us how to deal with life and death by realizing everything here is transitory but its substance is eternal. Frederick Lenz
Taoism means streching your being, becoming both a man and a woman and joining within yourself, to be the heavens themselves, to stretch your awareness beyond the breaking point until all opposites are reconciled within yourself. Frederick Lenz
Some people think Taoism means not doing anything, just going on with your life. That has little or nothing to do with Taoism. Frederick Lenz
Lao Tsu found Taoism easy to reconcile withthe world of human beings, which is interesting because with all the nature imagery, one might think it was in some way antithetical to contempory life. Frederick Lenz
Taoism is the way of water. The most frequent element or symbol refered to in Lao Tzu's wrtings is the symbol of water. Frederick Lenz
Taoism has no rules. It's a suggestion for preceiving life in its wholeness, without unnessary categorization, yet enjoying the beauty of categorization. Frederick Lenz
The essence of Taoism is really expressed by these few words. Taoism is the way of the child, the way of the fool, the way of someone who doesn't need to be noticed. Frederick Lenz
Taoism is not a religion, although perhaps it has been made into one by some people. Lao Tsu's way of life occurs in any spiritual philosophy. Frederick Lenz
Taoism is the gentle way. The path of least resistence. Frederick Lenz
There's no way we can possibly understand anything. But we can see things, we can perceive things, and we can wonder. We can just be in a world of awe and wonder. That's the best we can do. Frederick Lenz
Physical circumstance will not cause happiness. Or if it does, there is the fear of loss. Now you are a slave to it. You have become bound to it. Frederick Lenz
Be the exceptional being who separates themselves from the herd and the fate of the herd. Frederick Lenz
Duality is a part of reality, and there is definitely winning and losing. If you don't think so talk to someone who has beaten cancer, talk to somebody who hasn't. Frederick Lenz
There are two choices available in duality - one side or the other side. Everyting is formed from that. Frederick Lenz
People use ideas of non-duality as an escape from reality. It is very easy to say there is no winning and losing and justify the fact that you didn't do a very good job. Frederick Lenz
In the universe, there is darkness and light. We call this duality. When you seek knowledge and power, there are forces and people that will oppose you. Frederick Lenz

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