Massage Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old massage quotes, massage sayings, and massage proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

I'd rather get a massage and get the problem rubbed out than taking a pill and just feel drugged out. unknown
Massage has had a possitive effect on every medical condition we've looked at. Tiffany Field, Ph. D.
The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and a scented massage every day. Hippocrates
Anyone wishing to study medicine must master the art of massage. Hippocrates
Massage is the only form of physical pleasure to which nature forgot to attach consequences. Robert Breault
Sometimes massage is the only thing that makes sense. unknown
A massage is just like a movie, really relaxing and a total escape, except in a massage you're the star. And you don't miss anything by falling asleep! Elizabeth Jane Howard
There are some things in life where it's better to receive than to give, and massage is one of them. Al Michaels
Aromatherapy without massage is like an orchestra without a conductor. Robert Tisserand
Massage is not just a luxury. It's a way of a heathier, happier life. unknown
Massage is the answer...Who cares what the question is! unknown
Time spent getting a massage is never wasted. unknown
My massage therapy is not a luxury, it's a necessity. unknown
We have nothing to fear but missing our massage appointment time. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Massage is a luxury you can't afford to miss! unknown
Never put off your massage until tomorrow if you can get it today. Thomas Jefferson
When all else fails, get a massage. unknown
Massage is the study of anatomy in braille. Jack Meagher
I need a drink, a man, or a massage... or a drunken massage from a man. Dr. Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
Your calm mind is your ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax. Bryant McGill
Learn to massage. Physical contact through massage can be rewarding. Allastair Wiliams
A good spirit is like a muscle. If you do not work and exercise it and massage it in a good and positive way it will eventually wither and die. Brandon Astor Jones
Massage has few if any side-effects, is cost-effective, produces at least short-term benefits, and since people typically enjoy massage, they tend to be compliant about attending sessions. Sandy Fitz
Indian women traditionally practise Indian head massage for the health benefits that the massage provides. Francesca Gould
The massage not only has excellent physical effects but also helps with bonding and is a way of showing affection. Francesca Gould
Gentle massage given overtime can release tension and encourage acceptance of touch. Marybetts Sinclair
Massage of course is a celebration of the sense of touch and since ancient times this art has found practitioners in almost all cultures, who used it for relaxation, for therapy, for rehabilitation, and for remediation of health problems. Dr. Nicholas J. Vardaxis
Massage like the sense of touch has always been a constant in the background, its practice uninterrupted during the passing of the centuries. Dr. Nicholas J. Vardaxis
Massage is being embraced in more and more situations of the modern world, an affirmation of its effectiveness throughout the centuries. Dr. Nicholas J. Vardaxis
Though the art of massage has sometimes faced extinction, somewhere, sometime throughout these threats, someone believed in it enough to speak highly of it and thereby influence the views of the public and medical fraternity. Lisa Casanelia

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