Peace Of Mind Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old peace of mind quotes, peace of mind sayings, and peace of mind proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

Every time we respond to a situation with love rather than anger, or fear, or hatred, we take a step toward a more peaceful life. Karen Casey
Creating peace is not about making sudden, big changes, but about the accumulation of many tine changes. And it starts with in us. Karen Casey
We must do our part toward making this world a more peaceful place; each person we meet is an opportunity that's been divinely sent to us for for extending the love that is necessary to heal our lives, communities and the world beyond. Karen Casey
Experiencing one peaceful relationship will change every experience one has. Karen Casey
If you fill your mind with thoughts of beauty. forgiveness, thankfulness, harmony and love, then the chaotic life you lead will transform wonderfully into harmonious, blissful living. David Michael Ferruolo