Perfect Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old perfect quotes, perfect sayings, and perfect proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

If there's any definition to being perfect, you're perfect at being yourself. Zendaya
I never expect to see a perfect work from imperfect man. Alexander Hamilton
One is always considered mad when one perfects something that others cannot grasp. Ed Wood
It was perfect, but perfection is terrifying. Dominic Riccitello
That perfect bliss and sole felicity, the sweet fruition of an earthly crown. Christopher Marlowe
If a man should happen to reach perfection in this world, he would have to die immediately to enjoy himself. Josh Billings
Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence. Vince Lombardi
There is no way to genuinely, powerfully, truly love yourself while crafting a mask of perfection. Vironika Tugaleva
The perfect time to start something never arrives START NOW! T Harv Eker
When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target. Geoffrey Fisher
If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow. Beyonce Knowles
Perfectionism is the enemy of creation, as extreme self-solitude is the enemy of well-being. John Updike
She's kind of a walking poem, she's this perfect beauty...but at the same time very deep, very smart. Johnny Depp
The pursuit of perfection often impedes improvement. George Will
Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare. Rene Descartes
Perfect people are the scariest people to me. Leslie Mann
Some men are more perfect than others. Merle Shain
No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. Herbert Spencer
If you'd like to be good at something, the first thing to out the window is the notion of perfection. Scott Berkun
Be intent upon the perfection of the present day. William Law
And it would be perfect if you'd just get out of your own way and just let yourself be happy. Doris Hursley
Hey! That's good enough for me. And you know what? I am so glad that you're not perfect, because guess what - I'm not perfect, either. Doris Hursley
To me, it's just stress. Looking for the perfect tree, perfect presents. Trying for some ideal you can never reach. Ron Lagomarsino
There is no perfect. There will always be struggle. You just need to choose who you wanna struggle with. Ronald Bass
Nothing in this life comes in a perfect package. Jacky St. James
Cause they will find every flaw / Even the ones you never saw / 'Cause when the spotlight's where you live / Just know the cameras don't forgive / You better be perfect Joshua Palispis Lazaro
Tired of trying to be perfect for you / I'm done jumping through hoops / There's too much time I've wasted on chasing / And face it, I cannot be perfect for you Michael Jade
People who seek perfection rarely look in mirrors. Jason Edward Shiffman
I couldn't ask for a perfect world, then I wouldn't be allowed to exist. Jason Edward Shiffman
It takes me longer to find my perfect ten, but your last two fives don't add up. Jason Edward Shiffman

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