Reassuring Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old reassuring quotes, reassuring sayings, and reassuring proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

So enamored on the peace that he would have been glad the king should have bought it at any price. Henry Hyde
There is a price that is too great to pay for peace, and that price can be put in one word. One cannot pay the price of self-respect. Woodrow Wilson
There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others. Niccolo Machiavelli
The sea tells you everything will be fine. The mountains tell you it doesn't matter anyway. Adeel Ahmed Khan
You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather. Pema Chodron
Religion is a reassurance - in fact, that's its only purpose. Michel Onfray
I am a strong person, but every once in a while, I would like someone to take my hand and tell me that everything's going to be alright. Jean Wilbert
Only in the darkness, you can see the stars. Martin Luther King Jr.
It's okay, girl, we'll make it till the sun goes down forever. And until then what you got to lose but the losing? We're fallen angels who didn't believe that nothing means nothing. Jack Kerouac
We are loved by the Divine, loved into existence. That, in itself, is enough to reassure each one of us of our inestimable worth. Donna Goddard
Goddammit, whenever a person wants reassurance he tells a friend to think what he wants to be true. It's like asking a waiter what's good tonight. John Steinbeck
There are few places more reassuring or safe than the arms of a loved one or the pages of a good book. Richard Paul Evans
Sometimes to reassure you, you do not have to deceive yourself into thinking to have certainties, just understand that you do not need them. Luigina Sgarro
Disgust is so reassuring; it feels like moral proof. Jed Rubenfeld
There's nothing more reassuring than a world that's crazier than you are. Stellan Skarsgard
Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, even our troubles. Charlie Chaplin