Revival Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old revival quotes, revival sayings, and revival proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

Revival is about God's sovereignty, characterized particularly by the speed and the magnitude of the results and by the dynamic transformations of church and community. Wesley L. Duewel
Evangelism without revival lacks the full manifestation of God's glorious presence and power. Wesley L. Duewel
Most revival movements have been characterized by deep conviction of sin and much public confession. Wesley L. Duewel
Great joy in people who have found spiritual liberty is another common revival trait. Wesley L. Duewel
The Holy Spirit is the leader in all God-sent revival. Wesley L. Duewel
You can have revival whenever and wherever. Andreas Olufestus
The way of revival always leads to evangelism. There is a way of fruitfulness. Andreas Olufestus
Revival is inevitable when God's people get right with God. Andreas Olufestus
No man can cause revival only God. Andreas Olufestus
The word 'revival' simply means to be brought to life. D. J. Speckner
A revived person loves Jesus. D. J. Speckner
A person who needs revival must have a desire to fall in love with Jesus once again. D. J. Speckner
A true sign of revival is joy. D. J. Speckner
Sometimes it is the entire church that is in need of revival as well as individual Christians. D. J. Speckner
According to one author, he refers to revival as a phenomenon that isn't permanent, but that it eventually ebbs. Ryan Warnol
Revival as a personal spiritual awakening after backsliding. Ryan Warnol
Jesus began revival when He reset the Torah reading. By definition Torah is the loving instructions of the Father. Ryan Warnol
When we think of reviving someone we typically think of a matter of life and death, which we tent to think of a person's heart. Ryan Warnol
Rejection limits or hinders people and congregations from stepping out in faith to deepen there walk with God and experience revival. Ryan Warnol
The dynamic of revival is so great and the potential for church growth so tremendous that all concerned with world evangelization must be deeply interested in it. Donald A. McGavran
The more ministers and missionaries know about the growth of churches, the better steward's of God's purposes in revival they will be. Donald A. McGavran
The same God brings both revival and great church growth. Donald A. McGavran
Revival is like a head of steam in a railway engine. Without it the engine remains motionless. Donald A. McGavran
Christians should learn all God has to teach us about church growth, and pray without ceasing for revival. Donald A. McGavran